Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dating, engagement, and marriage in 8th grade?

O.k. not really what you think. Here we are...learning the bonds between atoms.


One way to remember them is to compare them to dating, engagment, and marriage.

Fun! Especially for kids who really aren't sure about what is happening?

The best form of torture...


Rachel McCloskey said...

Hey Mrs. Slade!! Thanks for being the greatest science teacher on the earth!! You make class so much fun with all your power points and all of your hilarious stories!! I loved this activity because we love to intersct with eachother and we are still getting over the whole girls can't like boys and boys can't like girls thing:) Thanks again for all the hardwork you put in for us!! We love you Mrs. Slade!!! -Rachel McCloskey

Lily said...

Ha this was funny. It was just like last year. It is a great memory tool. Thank You.