Friday, March 6, 2009

exciting times today

Today in AP Biology we were supposed to have a test. Oh the whining I heard when I first came in was incredible. "OH please, please, let us take it on Monday, please, we will do anything!" MMM? I think some of them meant it. Oh the benefits of bribery.

In 7th grade we had our big boat competition. We have just finished learning about Archimede's principle of buoyancy and displacement. The a boat no bigger than 6' x 6" x 3". A few boats sunk fairly fast (I think we might need a lesson on water proof material) Others held a great deal of pennies.

Our winner.....EMMA LYNN! Congratulations Emma. Your boat held 470+ pennied before it sunk. Unfortunately because you were our photographer we don't have a wonderful picture of you. But still you win!


1 comment:

Lily said...

I remember doing that last year, ah, my boat sunk. Great Job. Emma. That is a lot of pennies.